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The mathIT Library
A Java™ API for mathematics
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GAMMA - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Euler-Mascheroni constant γ.
gamma(double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
The Euler gamma function Γ(z) of a complex number z.
gamma(Complex) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
The Euler gamma function Γ(z) of a complex number z.
gamma - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Euler-Mascheroni constant γ = 0.577215664901532860605.
GAMMA - Static variable in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Euler-Mascheroni constant γ = 0.577215664901532860605.
gamma(double) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
The Euler Gamma function
gatelist - Static variable in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
In this array the names of all possible quantum gates are stored.
gatelist - Static variable in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
In this array the names of all possible quantum gates are stored.
gcd(long, long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the greatest common divisor of the integers m and n.
Genome - Class in org.mathIT.genes
This class represents a genome of a living organism.
Genome(String, ArrayList<Character>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Constructor of a genome with the specified name and the specified sequence of nucleobases, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA genome).
Genome(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Constructor of a genome with the specified name and the specified sequence of nucleobases, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA genome).
Genome(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Constructor of a genome with the specified name and the specified sequence of nucleobases, i.e., the letters A, C, G, T (or U for an RNA genome).
get(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Returns the cluster with the specified index of this clustering, represented as the set consisting of the indices of its vertices.
getAdjacency() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the adjacency matrix of this graph.
getAdjacency() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Returns the adjacency list of this vertex as specified by the weighted graph it belongs to.
getAdjacency() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Returns the adjacency list of this vertex as specified by the graph it belongs to.
getAminoAcid() - Method in enum org.mathIT.genes.Codon
Returns the amino acid which is related to this codon by the genetic code.
getAminoAcid() - Method in enum org.mathIT.genes.RNACodon
Returns the amino acid which is related to this codon by the genetic code.
getAsCSVTable(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the specified map as a CSV data table string.
getAsCSVTable(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the specified map as a CSV data table string.
getAsCSVTable(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Returns the specified map as a CSV data table string, with data aligned in columns.
getAsCSVTable(Map<String, Integer>, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Returns the specified map as a CSV data table string, with data aligned in columns.
getAsCSVTableRows(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Returns the specified map as a CSV data table string, with data aligned in rows.
getBitmaskCode() - Method in enum org.mathIT.genes.Codon
Returns the bitmask code referring to this codon.
getClusters() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Returns a list of the clusters of this clustering.
getColumn(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the specified column of this matrix.
getColumns() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the number of columns of this matrix.
getCombos() - Method in class org.mathIT.gui.GraphViewer
This method yields a list of possible graph layouts, provided by the JUNG project ( in version 2.0.1 from 2010).
getComponents(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns a list of the strongly connected components of this graph which are reachable from vertex x.
getCycles(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns a list of the cycles in this graph starting in x.
getD() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EigenvalueDecomposition
Returns the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix
getDegree() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.PolynomialZ
Returns the degree of this polynomial.
getDegree(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the degree of the vertex with index i, if this graph is undirected.
getDegree(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the degree of the vertex with index i, if this graph is undirected.
getDegrees() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns an array of the degrees of all vertices, if this graph is undirected, with the entry i being the degree of the vertex with index i.
getDistance() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Returns the distance of the shortest path from a specified source to this vertex as determined by the Dijkstra algorithm.
getDistance() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Returns the distance of the shortest path from a specified source to this vertex as determined by the Dijkstra algorithm.
getDominantEigenvalue() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the dominant eigenvalue of this matrix with an error Matrix.EPSILON.
getDominantEigenvalue(double) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the dominant eigenvalue of this matrix with the specified error of approximation.
getDominantEigenvector() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns an eigenvector associated to the dominant eigenvalue of this matrix with the error Matrix.EPSILON of approximation.
getDominantEigenvector(double) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns an eigenvector associated to the dominant eigenvalue of this matrix with the specified error of approximation.
getEigenvectors() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns a matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of this matrix.
getEndVertex() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Edge
Returns the end vertex of this edge.
getEntanglement() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Returns a map of a list containing the numbers of states being entangled with each other.
getEntanglement() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Returns a map of a list containing the numbers of states being entangled with each other.
getExtremalTripletFrequencies(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the amino acids triplets with the highest nhigh frequencies and the lowest nlow frequencies, specified by the to parameters highest and lowest.
getFirst() - Method in class org.mathIT.util.Tuple
Returns the first element of this tuple.
getFormula(boolean) - Method in class org.mathIT.util.TermParser
Returns a string of the formula, either in postfix or in usual notation.
getFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the nucleobases.
getFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the amino acids.
getFrequenciesAsCSVTable() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of this genome as a CSV data table string.
getFrequenciesAsCSVTable() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of this protein as a CSV data table string.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of the nucleobases as HTML graph.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of the amino acids as HTML graph.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph(TreeMap<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of amino acid triplets as HTML graph.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Returns the frequency distribution of amino acid triplets as HTML graph.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph2() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of the nucleobases as HTML graph in landscape format.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph2() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of the amino acids as HTML graph in landscape format.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLTable() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of the nucleobases as HTML table.
getFrequenciesAsHTMLTable() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of the amino acids as HTML table.
getFrequency() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the frequency distribution of the 4 nucleobases.
getFrequencyAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the frequency distribution of the 64 codons as HTML graph.
getFrequencyAsHTMLGraph(ArrayList<ORF>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.ORF
Returns the frequency distribution of the codons in the specified list of ORF's as HTML graph.
getFrequencyAsHTMLTable() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the frequency distribution of the 64 codons as HTML table.
getFrequencyAsHTMLTable(ArrayList<ORF>) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.ORF
Returns the frequency distribution of the codons in the specified list of genes as HTML table.
getFunction(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.util.FunctionParser
Returns an array of the parts of the i-th function in postfix notation.
getFunction(int, boolean) - Method in class org.mathIT.util.FunctionParser
Returns a string of the i-th function, either in postfix or in usual notation.
getGates() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Provides the entire list of quantum gates of this quantum circuit.
getGates() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Provides the entire list of quantum gates of this quantum circuit.
getGraphState() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Returns the graph register state representing this quantum register as long as it is a stabilizer state according to the Gottesman-Knill theorem.
getIm() - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns the imaginary part Imz of this complex number z.
getImagEigenvalues() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EigenvalueDecomposition
Return the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues
getImagEigenvalues() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns an array consisting of the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of this matrix.
getImaginary() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Returns the array containing the imaginary parts of the qubit state components of this register.
getImaginary() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Returns the array containing the imaginary parts of the qubit state components of this register.
getIndegree(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the indegree of a vertex of this graph.
getIndegree(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the indegree of the vertex with index i.
getIndegrees() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns an array of the indegrees of all vertex of this graph, with the entry i being the indegree of the vertex with index i.
getIndex() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Returns the index of this vertex as specified by the weighted graph it belongs to.
getIndex() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Returns the index of this vertex as specified by the graph it belongs to.
getInfo() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.ORF
Returns the info of this ORF.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns this matrix as a two-dimensional array.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.LocalCliffordOperator
Returns this local Clifford operator as an array representing a 2x2 matrix of complex numbers.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.QubitVertex
Returns the complex 2x2 matrix representing the vertex operator associated to this qubit vertex, according to the graph state formalism.
getModifiedHashimoto(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
The modified Hashimoto matrix M(i) of this graph with node i removed; M(i) is also called modified non-backtracking matrix or modified edge adjacency matrix.
getName() - Method in enum org.mathIT.genes.AminoAcid
Returns the name of this amino acid.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the name of this genome.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the name of this genome.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the name of this protein.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Returns the name of this vertex.
getName() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Returns the name of this vertex.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.QuantumGate
Returns the name of this quantum gate.
getName() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.LocalCliffordOperator
Returns the name of this local Clifford operator.
getNextGate() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Yields the current gate in this quantum circuit which is to be executed next.
getNextGate() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Yields the current gate in this quantum circuit which is to be executed next.
getNextGateNumber() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Returns the number of the gate to be executed next in this quantum circuit.
getNextGateNumber() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Returns the number of the gate to be executed next in this quantum circuit.
getNorm(double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the norm |v| of the vector v.
getNumberOfClusters() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Returns the number of clusters of this clustering.
getNumberOfEdges() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the vertex of index i of this graph.
getNumberOfWires() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Returns the number of wires of this quantum circuit.
getNumberOfWires() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Returns the number of wires of this quantum circuit.
getOutdegree(V) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the outdegree of a vertex of this graph.
getOutdegree(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the outdegree of a vertex of this graph.
getOutdegrees() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns an array of the outdegrees of all vertex of this graph, with the entry i being the outdegree of the vertex with index i.
getPairFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the nucleobase pairs.
getPairFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the amino acid pairs.
getPairFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of nucleobase pairs as HTML graph.
getPairFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the frequency distribution of amino acid pairs as HTML graph.
getPredecessor() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Returns the predecessor of this vertex in the shortest path from a specified source as determined by the Dijkstra algorithm.
getPredecessor() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Returns the predecessor of this vertex in the shortest path from a specified source as determined by the Dijkstra algorithm.
getPreviousGate() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Yields the previous gate in this quantum circuit which just had been executed.
getPreviousGate() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Yields the current gate in this quantum circuit which is to be executed next.
getQubits() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.QuantumGate
Returns an array of the indices of the qubits on which this gate operates.
getRe() - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns the real part Rez of this complex number z.
getReal() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Returns the array containing the real parts of the qubit state components of this register.
getReal() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Returns the array containing the real parts of the qubit state components of this register.
getRealEigenvalues() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EigenvalueDecomposition
Return the real parts of the eigenvalues
getRealEigenvalues() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns an array consisting of the real parts of the eigenvalues of this matrix.
getRegister() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Returns the quantum register (in state vecor representation) represented by this graph register.
getRelevance(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the network relevance of vertex i with respect to the entire graph.
getRelevanceClusters() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Finds a clustering according to the relevance of each nde of this graph.
getRoot() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.PriorityQueue
Returns the root of the heap representing this priority queue.
getRow(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the specified row of this matrix.
getRows() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the number of rows of this matrix.
getS() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the diagonal matrix S of singular values
getSecond() - Method in class org.mathIT.util.Tuple
Returns the second element of this tuple.
getSequence() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the nucleobase sequence of this genome.
getSequence() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the nucleobase sequence of this genome.
getSequence() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.ORF
Returns the codon sequence of this gene.
getSequence() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the amino acid sequence of this protein.
getSequenceAsArrayList() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.DNA
Returns the nucleobase sequence of this genome.
getSequenceAsArrayList() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the nucleobase sequence of this genome.
getSequenceAsArrayList() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the amino acid sequence of this protein.
getSingularValues() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.SingularValueDecomposition
Return the one-dimensional array of singular values
getSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Returns the size of this quantum register.
getSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Returns the size of this quantum register.
getStartVertex() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Edge
Returns the start vertex of this edge.
getSymbol() - Method in enum org.mathIT.genes.AminoAcid
Returns the one-letter symbol of this amino acid.
getT() - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
Returns the t-values of the data points (t, y).
getThreshold() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Activatable
Returns the threshold of this vertex.
getThreshold() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Actor
Returns the threshold of this actor.
getTripletFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the nucleobase triplets.
getTripletFrequencies() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Protein
Returns the absolute frequency distribution of the amino acids.
getTripletFrequenciesAsHTMLGraph() - Method in class org.mathIT.genes.Genome
Returns the frequency distribution of nucleobase triplets as HTML graph.
getU() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the left singular vectors U
getV() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EigenvalueDecomposition
Return a matrix with the real parts of the eigenvectors as columns
getV() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the right singular vectors V
getValue(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the value of the matrix position given by the parameters row and col in the usual mathematical convention, that is, both indices are counted from 1 and terminate at the maximum number of rows or columns, respectively.
getVertex(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the vertex of index i of this graph.
getVertices() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns an array containing all vertices of this graph.
getWeight() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Edge
Returns the weight of this edge.
getWeight() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
The weight matrix of this graph.
getXRegister() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Returns the x-register of this quantum circuit.
getXRegister() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Returns the x-register of this quantum circuit.
getXRegisterSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Yields the size of the x-register of this quantum circuit.
getXRegisterSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Yields the size of the x-register of this quantum circuit.
getXValues() - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Interpolation
Returns the x-values of the data points (x, y).
getY() - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
Returns the array of y-values of the data points (t, y).
getYRegister() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Returns the y-register of this quantum circuit.
getYRegister() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Returns the y-register of this quantum circuit.
getYRegisterSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Yields the size of the y-register of this quantum circuit.
getYRegisterSize() - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Yields the size of the y-register of this quantum circuit.
getYValues() - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Interpolation
Returns the array of y-values of the data points (x, y).
Graph<V extends Vertible<V>> - Class in org.mathIT.graphs
This class represents a general graph without multiple edges as an array list of vertices and the corresponding adjacency matrix.
Graph() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates an empty graph.
Graph(ArrayList<V>, V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph with the specified vertices.
Graph(V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a directed graph with the specified vertices.
Graph(boolean, V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph with the specified vertices.
Graph(int[][], V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a directed graph from the specified adjacency matrix.
Graph(boolean, int[][], V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph from the specified adjacency matrix.
Graph(V[], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a directed graph from the specified array of vertices and the adjacency matrix.
Graph(boolean, V[], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph from the specified array of vertices and the adjacency matrix.
Graph(ArrayList<V>, int[][], V[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a directed graph from the specified array list of vertices and the adjacency matrix.
graph - Variable in class org.mathIT.gui.GraphViewer
The graph of the mathIT class Graph that is invoked to be copied to the format compatible with this viewer.
GraphCanvas<V extends Vertible<V>,E> - Class in org.mathIT.gui
This class enables to let plot and print a graph.
GraphCanvas(GraphViewer<V, E>, Layout<V, E>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphCanvas
Create an instance with the specified parameters.
GraphCanvas(GraphViewer<V, E>, Layout<V, E>, Dimension) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphCanvas
Create an instance with passed parameters.
GraphCanvas(GraphViewer<V, E>, VisualizationModel<V, E>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphCanvas
Create an instance with the specified parameters.
GraphCanvas(GraphViewer<V, E>, VisualizationModel<V, E>, Dimension) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphCanvas
Create an instance with passed parameters.
GraphRegister - Class in org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer
This class represents the states of a quantum register consisting of stabilizer states.
GraphRegister(int) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Creates a register of n qubits, initialized to the state |0>.
GraphViewer<V extends Vertible<V>,E> - Class in org.mathIT.gui
This class provides a visualization frame to show a specified graph.
GraphViewer(Graph<V>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphViewer
Constructs a graph viewer from the specified graph
GraphViewer(Graph<V, E>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.gui.GraphViewer
Constructs a graph viewer from the specified graph
grayCode(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the Gray code of an integer.
grayCode(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the Gray code of an integer x, with a given minimum length.
grayCode(long, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the Gray code of an integer x, with a given minimum length.
grayCode(long) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the Gray code of an integer.
grayCodeToBinary(String, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns binary representation of the integer represented by a Gray code string; the string is padded with zeros if it is shorter than the specified minimum length.
grayCodeToBinary(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns binary representation of the integer in which is represented by a Gray code string.
grayCodeToBinary(String, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns binary representation of the integer in which is represented by a Gray code string.
grayCodeToBinary(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns binary representation of the integer in which is represented by a Gray code string.
grayCodeToDecimal(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the integer represented by a Gray code string.
grayCodeToLong(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns the integer represented by a Gray code string.
grover(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Performs a Grover operator, or Grover iteration step, on this quantum register.
grover(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Performs a Grover operator, or Grover iteration step, on this quantum register.
groverSteps(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
The optimal number r of Grover iterations to successfully apply Grover's search algorithm.
groverSteps(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
The optimal number r of Grover iterations to successfully apply Grover's search algorithm.
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The mathIT Library
A Java™ API for mathematics