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The mathIT Library
A Java™ API for mathematics
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cancel(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Rational
Returns a two-element array representing the fraction p/q where all common factors of numerator and denominator are cancelled.
canvas - Variable in class org.mathIT.gui.GraphViewer
The visual component and renderers for the graph
checkH() - Static method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Wavelets
This routine checks the conditions the Daubechies coefficients have to satisfy.
checkSyntax(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.util.FunctionParser
Analyses and parses the function being input as a string.
checkSyntax(String) - Static method in class org.mathIT.util.TermParser
Analyses and parses the function being input as a string.
chi(double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Riemann
Returns the value χ(s) for a complex number s, such that ζ(s) = χ(s) ζ(1 - s).
Circuit - Class in org.mathIT.quantum
This class enables the storage of quantum circuits and offers methods to execute quantum operations on it.
Circuit() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.quantum.Circuit
Creates an empty quantum circuit.
Circuit - Class in org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer
This class enables the storage of quantum circuits and offers methods to execute quantum operations on it.
Circuit() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Circuit
Creates an empty quantum circuit.
clear() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.FibonacciHeap
Removes all elements from this heap.
clear() - Method in class org.mathIT.util.Tuple
Since a tuple is not mutable, this method should not be invoked.
Clustering - Class in org.mathIT.graphs
This class enables to store and manipulate clusters of a graph.
Clustering() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Generates an empty clustering
Clustering(int[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Generates a clustering with the specified vertex distribution to clusters.
Clustering(ArrayList<OrderedSet<Integer>>) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Generates a clustering with the specified set of clusters.
cNOT(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.Register
Applies the c-NOT gate to this register, where j is the control qubit and k the target qubit.
cNOT(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Performs a controlled NOT gate between the vertices vc (control) and vt (target).
cNOT(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.Register
Applies the c-NOT gate to this register, where j is the control qubit and k the target qubit.
Codon - Enum in org.mathIT.genes
This enum provides the 43 = 64 DNA codons made of the alphabet T, C, A, G; associated to each cocon is the amino acid to which it is transformed by the genetic code during the process of genetic expression.
cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the cofactor Cij = (-1)i + j Mij of this matrix, where Mij denotes the minor.
collectEdges() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a set of the edges of this graph.
columns - Variable in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Number of columns of this matrix.
Combinatorics - Class in org.mathIT.numbers
This class provides methods related to combinatorics.
Combinatorics() - Constructor for class org.mathIT.numbers.Combinatorics
compare(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.BigExponentComparator
Compares its two arguments for order, which is reverse than the usual order.
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.ExponentComparator
Compares its two arguments for order, which is reverse than the usual order.
Complex - Class in org.mathIT.numbers
This class enables the creation of objects representing complex numbers, as well the implementation of mathematical functions of complex numbers by static methods.
Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Creates a complex number z = x + iy with real part x and imaginary part y.
Complex(double[]) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Creates a complex number z = z[0] + iz[1] from the "array representation," i.e., with real part z[0] and imaginary part z[1].
ComplexPlotPane - Class in org.mathIT.plot
An object of this class is a canvas for plotting graphs of three-dimensional function.
ComplexPlotPane(int, int, String[], Color[], byte[], double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Creates a new plot pane.
computeCoefficients(int) - Method in class org.mathIT.approximation.Regression
polynomial regression for given data points
computeHashimoto() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
The Hashimoto matrix of this graph, also called non-backtracking matrix or edge adjacency matrix.
computeNumberOfEdges() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Returns the number of edges of this graph.
computePixels() - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.PlotPane
Computes all pixel values of the current function values.
computeTupleFrequencies(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Loads a FASTA file and returns the n-tuple frequencies of its letters.
computeTupleFrequencies(int, char[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Asks the user to select a FASTA file, loads it and returns the n-tuple frequencies of its letters.
computeTupleFrequencies(File[], int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Loads a FASTA file and returns the n-tuple frequencies of its letters.
computeTupleFrequencies(File, int, char[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.Utils
Loads a FASTA file and returns the n-tuple frequencies of its letters.
computeValues() - Method in class org.mathIT.plot.ComplexPlotPane
Computes all line values regarding the current parameter values.
cond() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the two norm condition number defined as the ratio smax/smin of the maximum and the minimum singular value of this matrix.
cond() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.SingularValueDecomposition
Two norm condition number defined as the ratio max(S)/min(S) of the maximum and the minimum singular value of this matrix.
conjugate() - Method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Quaternion
Returns the conjugate of this number.
conjugate(LocalCliffordOperator) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.LocalCliffordOperator
Replaces this operator by the conjugation trans · this · trans and returns a phase, either +1 if trans is a stabilizer, or -1.
consolidate() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.FibonacciHeap
Consolidates this Fibonacci heap by cascading cut.
constantName - Static variable in class org.mathIT.util.FunctionParser
Names of predefined constants.
constantName - Static variable in class org.mathIT.util.TermParser
Names of predefined constants.
constantValue - Static variable in class org.mathIT.util.FunctionParser
Values of the predefined constants.
constantValue - Static variable in class org.mathIT.util.TermParser
Values of the predefined constants.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.mathIT.util.Tuple
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.mathIT.util.Tuple
continuedFraction(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns an array containing coefficients of the continued fraction of the number x, with at most limit coefficients.
continuedFraction(double, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Numbers
Returns an array containing coefficients of the continued fraction of the number x, with at most limit coefficients.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.EnumSet
Creates and returns a clone copy of this set.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.MathSet
Creates and returns a clone copy of this set.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns a copy of this matrix.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.OrderedSet
Creates and returns a clone copy of this set.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Set
Creates and returns a clone copy of this set.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Actor
Creates and returns a copy of this actor.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Clustering
Returns a copy of this clustering.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.SimpleVertex
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Vertex
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in interface org.mathIT.graphs.Vertible
Creates and returns a new copy of this object.
cos(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle x.
cos(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.BigNumbers
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle x with |x| ≤ π/4, up to the approximation order n.
cos(double[]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns the cosine of a complex number z.
cos(Complex) - Static method in class org.mathIT.numbers.Complex
Returns the cosine of this complex number.
cPhase(int, int) - Method in class org.mathIT.quantum.stabilizer.GraphRegister
Does a conditional phase gate c-S between the two qubits.
create() - Static method in class org.mathIT.genes.FastaFileFilter
Returns a file name extension filter for files in FASTA format.
create(JTable) - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph from the adjacency matrix specified by the input table.
create(JTable) - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Creates a graph from the weight matrix specified by the input table.
createGraph(int[][]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph from the specified adjacency matrix.
createGraphFromCSVFile() - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.Graph
Creates a graph from a CSV file selected by a file chooser dialog.
createIdentity(int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
This method creates an (n x n) unity matrix.
createNetworkFromCSVFile() - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.SocialNetwork
Creates a social network from a CSV file selected by a file chooser dialog.
createWeightedGraph(double[][]) - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Creates a graph from the specified weight matrix.
createWeightedGraphFromCSVFile() - Static method in class org.mathIT.graphs.WeightedGraph
Creates a weighted graph from a CSV file selected by a file chooser dialog.
createZero(int, int) - Static method in class org.mathIT.algebra.Matrix
Returns the zero (m × n) matrix.
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A Java™ API for mathematics